Team Wobba

One Walk Glasgow 2024

400,000 people are currently living with type 1 diabetes in the UK, we want to change that.

On the 13th of May 2023  Ada-Grace aged 7 months was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, after a scary time in DKA. Thanks to the resources made available and an amazing team at Edinburgh sick kids, she is now a happy 19 month old girl who is taking her treatment like a warrior 💪.

If we didn't have the various testing and products available, this could have been a different story. This fundraising helps to provide ongoing testing and research that can hopefully one day find a cure ❤️

Here are just a few examples of what your money can do...

£20 could enable 20 parents to return to work, safe in the knowledge that their child's type 1 diabetes will be carefully managed at school, thanks to JDRF's e-learning modules.

£65 could help a vital research project progress by paying for one hour of research time.

£115 could pay for one person to be screened for type 1 diabetes. Sadly people in the UK still die from un-diagnosed type 1 diabetes complications - this screening could stop this.

Thank you for your support, whatever you donate is really appreciated. Together, we can help JDRF to eradicate type 1 diabetes!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Angela Bell

A Worthy Cause...Best of Luck!!


Rosalind Bell

best of luck to everyone id do the walk but to old . great cause and hope you get lots of money, for the cause x


Michele Armstrong

Go Family!!!


Raymy Boyle

See if you can get the Proclaimers involved- they can walk some distance!




Louise Ramage

What an amazing cause, very blessed to have the medical services we have in this country but we need more research…


Naomi Stewart

Good luck!



Good luck team Wobba!


Angie Boyle

Smash it team WOBBA, wishing you all the best ❤️





Supporting you from New York, and wishing you the best!


Beth Cumming

Go Team WOBBA. Great cause x




Pauline Rafferty



Tommy Armstrong

Go on team.


Sofia Mackenzie




Marjorie Hilson




Sam Anderson

Go Team Wobba 🎉


Cara Dailly


Melissa Byrne

Go Team Wobba!



Good luck guys



Go team Wobba 🙌🏼


Richard Bell


Richard Bell