Team walkers

One Walk London 2024

Fundraising to making life easier for those living with type 1 diabetes

We’re taking part in One Walk London to help raise money to fund life-changing research and make a difference to the lives of people affected by Type 1 Diabetes. 

Our journey with Type 1 in the family has been helped by the research and advocacy of JDRF  we’d be grateful for your support to help us fund JDRF UK’s important work towards finding a cure.

With your support and your generous donations, we can fund JDRF UK’s important work. Here are just a few examples of what your money can do...

£20 could enable 20 parents to return to work, safe in the knowledge that their child's type 1 diabetes will be carefully managed at school, thanks to JDRF's e-learning modules.

£65 could help a vital research project progress by paying for one hour of research time.

£115 could pay for one person to be screened for type 1 diabetes. Sadly people in the UK still die from un-diagnosed type 1 diabetes complications - this screening could stop this.

Thank you for your support, whatever you donate is really appreciated. Together, we can help JDRF to eradicate type 1 diabetes!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Gillian Law




Dalton King

Fantastic cause. Let's smash this and go for it!


Jonathan Fitton

Well done


Rita Martin

Very happy to support you and your team Gillian. Enjoy the run ….


Christine Mawson



Go! Go! Go! Good luck!


Dave Hodkinson

I have not had a better offer.🥰


Frances Barylo

Good luck on Saturday.



Hope you have good weather!


Linda Anslow

Happy to donate to such a worthy cause.


Alison Ridding

Good luck on Saturday


Allison Ward

Good luck and enjoy the walk




Freda Hart


Pauline And Dave Kelly

Best of luck!


Beth Sigsworth

Will be thinking of you all!




Margaret Law

Will be thinking about you all


Caroline Councell


Sharon And Martin Roberts

Worthy cause and I know Team L will complete the challenge.



Hope it went well


Frances Tyler


Matt And Vicki Jeffrey

Hope all goes well for you all xx


Margaret Law