
One Walk London 2024

A little something that could change a life

People may or may not know that Vincent was diagnosed in October 23 with Type 1 diabetes. He was very poorly and we had to stay in hospital a while to manage it. Type 1 has changed our lives. Vincent is resilient so bounces back with ease but he has had to adjust to new routines and injections everytime he eats. Life changing illnesses are hard for anyone to comprehend but at such a young age when he already finds the world a little more difficult than others, we felt devastated. JDRF provide ongoing support to families and have dedicated their time to finding a cure.

I’m taking part in One Walk London to help raise money to fund life-changing research and make a difference to the lives of people affected by type 1!

400,000+ people are currently living with type 1 diabetes in the UK, and with your support and your generous donations, we can fund JDRF UK’s important work towards finding a cure. Here are just a few examples of what your money can do...

Every £10 could help run a research laboratory for 10 minutes - bringing us 10 minutes closer to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes.

Every £25 could pay for an hour of research nurse support for someone involved in a clinical trial, which could ultimately lead to the next big breakthrough. Without this support, there would be no trial.

Every £50 could enable a scientist to use lasers for two hours, allowing them to study the immune cells at the heart of type 1, monitoring the success of clinical trials and further improving knowledge into type 1.

Thank you for your support, whatever you donate is really appreciated. Together, we can help JDRF to eradicate type 1 diabetes!

My Achievements

Shared page

Added profile picture

Self donated

Reached 50% of fundraising goal

Reached fundraising goal

My Updates

Thank you ♥️

Tuesday 23rd Jan
A massive thank you to everyone who has already donated. 
We have had to up our target and have smashed this one too!

To many it will seem like just another sponsor thing, but to us, this is the start of our boy possibly living a 'normal' life in the future. 

If there is a cure, we can find it. But not with the support and help of each and everyone of you. 

Thank you for the generosity, it really does mean the world ♥️♥️

Thank you to my Sponsors


Roxie M

Well done for doing this so sorry to hear about your son hope this helps.


James & Poppy

For the kindest and smartest little boy we know. We are always so proud of you and everything you do ❤️


Darryl Harbour


Sharon Mills

So proud of you Vincent


Uncle Zing & Ros


Adele Copper




Rachel Copper

So proud


Rachel Harbour

Vincent you are one amazing boy and we love you 🥰


Damian & Isabella


Charlotte Fenn

From phoenix and callie x


Ali And Nick

Good Luck Vincent ❤️


Jonathan White


Philip Copper


Ann Anderson

Well done so proud of you!


Liam, Nicki, Isla And Oliver

Go on, Vincent!! You bloody legend!


Kendall Family

Super proud xx



Vincent I wish you good luck



Good Luck! You're going to smash it! 1v1 me on rush bro!



Vincent, Good Luck


Jess Pool

Well done Vincent !


Sarah Mcnaughton

Good luck Vincent


Irene & Michael

Good luck Vincent, love Irene & Michael xx


Bharti Ram

You are doing amazing job..


Shanice Leach



Simon M

Nice one Vincent 😊


Taylor Beaumont

Good luck, and have fun!


Jess Grinham


Christine Leybourne


Mrs A

Good luck Vincent. You’re a star!


Nikki Hunda


Ann Austen

Vincent, Good Luck..


Rebecca Rouse

Wishing you all the best x


Emma Lakeland

Good luck Vincent 👍


Meg Hamblett

You’re amazing little man! Don’t ever change 💙


Becky Lawrence

wishing you the best of luck xx


Emma Whiston