Grace Lewis

Discovery One Walk

We're stronger together

I’m taking part in Discovery One Walk to help raise money to fund life-changing research and make a difference to the lives of people affected by type 1!

400,000+ people are currently living with type 1 diabetes in the UK, and with your support and your generous donations, we can fund JDRF UK’s important work towards finding a cure. Here are just a few examples of what your money can do...

Every £10 could help run a research laboratory for 10 minutes - bringing us 10 minutes closer to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes.

Every £25 could pay for an hour of research nurse support for someone involved in a clinical trial, which could ultimately lead to the next big breakthrough. Without this support, there would be no trial.

Every £50 could enable a scientist to use lasers for two hours, allowing them to study the immune cells at the heart of type 1, monitoring the success of clinical trials and further improving knowledge into type 1.

Thank you for your support, whatever you donate is really appreciated. Together, we can help JDRF to eradicate type 1 diabetes!

My Achievements

Shared page

Added profile picture

Self donated

Reached 50% of fundraising goal

Reached fundraising goal

My Updates

reaching my Target

Wednesday 17th Apr
Hello everyone
we are beyond grateful for everyone that has sponsored Archie so far, its so heart warming to see so many lovely comments and have the support of everyone so far. As Archie reached his target within the first 24hours we have decided to increase the target to £1000, this would be amazing if this could be achieved.
Thanks again for all the love and support
please share with friends and family

lots of love 


Friday 5th Apr
My name is Archie lewis I am 6- soon to be 7
Early this year I got diagnosed type 1 diabetic, this was a huge shock to me and my family and it’s something I have had to learn to live with, being diabetic is now part of me part of my every day life. I have to inject myself 4 times a day! I have to ensure my sugars are monitored throughout the day, if I go to low I can become unwell. I am doing this walk to raise money to help other people who are like me! I am not ashamed of being diabetic, I want people to know how serious being diabetic is, if we can show any awareness on our journey that would be great!  Any donations would be great! I’m really looking forward to this challenge! 
Lots of love 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Aunty Kate, Uncle Oliver And Florence

Archie, what a super star you are! We are immensely proud of you!


Nanny Ella And Grnadad Pete

Good luck Love nanny and grandad


Becky, Denise, Jill, Sam, Pat And Allen, Pauline And Graham, Denise


Mommy And Daddy

Archie, we are so proud of you! You are an inspiration, you don’t let your diabetes stop you from doing anything! We believe in you! And so does everyone else! Love you loads Mommy and daddy


Midland Electrical Solutions

Smash it lad ❤️


Julie Howen

Go for it Archie your a star


John & Nicky Pocock


Janice & Brian Walker


Nanny Pat, Sue And Stan, Rose


Sue,h, Nicola, Ivor, Jean


Jane, Gwen & Nanny Pat

Good luck


Kaylee Mckeon

Well done Archie you should be super proud of yourself Blake and Carter :)


Sabina, Anaya & Lorien

Oh Archie, what a superstar you are! Wishing you all the best with the walk and thank you for raising awareness! Lots of love Sabina, Anaya & Lorien x


Rev Dr Roland Sokolowski

Keep going and keep raising!


Julie Baines


Nicola Bull


Tina Bate

Well done Archie for doing something so brave and helping others!


Gaynor Darby


Michelle Hinds

So very proud of Archie for raising awareness of type 1 diabetes. He's an inspiration. Well done Archie!


Clive & Brenda Hall


Alex Brinton


Francesca Entwistle

Go get ‘em! Well done in advance xxx Love Francesca x



Good luck, Archie!


Narinder And Brett

Well done Archie. What a brilliant cause. Good luck on your walk. ❤️


Rachael Campbell

Good luck Archie x


Jackie Hickman

He’s done us all proud


Helen Southall

Well done Archie, you will smash it! From Joe and Bella x


Joy Stevens

Archie what a wonderful thing to do and you’re helping others !!!!!


Jade & Luca

Good luck Archie!


Erica, Jason, Steve, Jeanette.

Good luck love Erica, Jason Steve, jeanette


David & Ethan

Well done Archie, you are always in our prayers


Asma Ali

Well Done Archie! So proud of you 👏 💙


Gillian Richards


Christa Williams

Good luck Archie


Julie Snaddon

Archie, Nannie Julie is so proud of you … Your my super hero x


Alison Suffield

All the best Grace xx


Gill And Margaret From Knit And Natter

Good luck Archie!!



Well done 👍


Gemma, Amelia And Lottie

You’ve got this little man


Pete Samra

Wishing you all the best, Archie!


Danielle Howard

Go and smash it Archie! 💪🏻




Nikki Kullar

Well done Archie 👏


The Shepherd’s

Good luck with the walk Archie! X



Well done Archie!


Joanne Westwood

Good luck Archie!


Liz Smith

Well done Archie.


Ellie May

Well done Archie Your doing amazing your a very inspirational little boy. Smashing it 💪🏼💙


Christina Thatcher

Well done Archie!


Natalie Smith

Go Archie, proud of you all xxx


Kate Miles

Good luck Archie ❤️


María Gargallo


Grandad Paul

Good luck in the walk. Grandad Paul xx


Vanessa Jones


Luke & Lara

You got this Archie! You champion 💪🏼


Clair Casey


Angela,andy,bea &orson.x




Margaret Tite

Best wishes such a good cause.


Kirstie Walker

Fantastic Archie ♥️



Your son is rocking type 1 and this is a great step to help others. So many children are becoming diabetics, with no understanding why. I hope this next stage of your son’s journey helping others to understand makes him realise how much he has achieved in a hard journey, accepting how to manage and control his diabetes. Well done and thank you. I’m a type 2 metformin and it’s hard for me and I’m a 49. Thank you ☺️ keep going no matter how hard and look after yourself too.


Pippa Nelson


Lizzie West

🐾🐈‍⬛ Meow Meow Meow 🐈‍⬛🐾 Elvis Black Cat says you’re the best Archie


Angela, Lak, Jannon & Savaaj

Good luck Archie, what an amazing thing you are doing x


Bethany Ellis

Well done Archie!💖


Chelsea Buswell

Well done Archie!! Good luck Xx


From Jenson & Evie Thompson

Good luck Archie x


Martin Hickman

All the best Archie From Lucas ⚽️


Sonia Edwards

Your such a brave boy Archie xxx


Jade Yale

What a brilliant thing to do!


Joanne Ruff

A massive high five for doing this! You’ll smash it!!


The Emerys

Well done Archie, what a great challenge!!


Jodie Gordon

Well done Archie go smash it


Charlotte O'hare

Well done Archie! Smashing it 💪🏻



So proud of you Lewis and your amazing mom who takes this all in her stride. Good luck today.


Ellie Pallett

Well done Archie! We are so proud of you! What an inspiration you are ❤️


Phil @ Catherine Lewis

Well done Archie 👍👌


Deb Laslett

Well done and good luck to Archie. Xxx


Bennett Sarah

Well done Archie, great cause x


Wayne Fletcher

Good luck Archie 🏅⚽️


Heather Campbell


Susan Woodward

Good Luck Archie xx


Janet Toye



Go smash it!!!


Sarah Bingham

Go for it! You can do it 💗



Good luck Archie! Love from your nannies friends, Lou, Drew, Bert and Ted xxxxx


Rebecca Small


Jack Holmes


Charlotte Holmes

Well done Archie you should be so proud 💓


Leah Martin

Such a brave and strong little man to have to deal with something so big at your age! Well done Archie!


Bev Willetts

Good luck to him.


Marie Parkinson

Well done Archie 🌟🌟🌟

