Tamara Vaughan

One Walk London 2024

We're stronger together

I’m taking part in One Walk London to help raise money to fund life-changing research and make a difference to the lives of people affected by type 1!

400,000+ people are currently living with type 1 diabetes in the UK, and with your support and your generous donations, we can fund JDRF UK’s important work towards finding a cure. Here are just a few examples of what your money can do...

Every £10 could help run a research laboratory for 10 minutes - bringing us 10 minutes closer to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes.

Every £25 could pay for an hour of research nurse support for someone involved in a clinical trial, which could ultimately lead to the next big breakthrough. Without this support, there would be no trial.

Every £50 could enable a scientist to use lasers for two hours, allowing them to study the immune cells at the heart of type 1, monitoring the success of clinical trials and further improving knowledge into type 1.

Thank you for your support, whatever you donate is really appreciated. Together, we can help JDRF to eradicate type 1 diabetes!

My Achievements

Shared page

Added profile picture

Self donated

Reached 50% of fundraising goal

Reached fundraising goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Bernie Prentice

Very best of luck T x


Granny And Granddad Reg

Good luck our beloved granddaughter. We are so proud of you.


The Northern Vaughans

Go Girl! Xx



Good luck T xx


Uncle Michael And Matt, Joshua And Sylvia

Amazing! Well done Tamara!


Richard Vaughan

Good luck!! A wonderful cause. Always so proud of you. All our love, Mum and Dad x


Alan Lawrence

Good Luck Tamara. Great cause. Grandad xxx


Piers Lawrence

Good luck Tamara x


Steve Benson

Good luck Tamara x


Lewis & Annabel

We’re both proud that you’re doing something to make an impact! Proud of you always x


Caitlin Hayward

A great cause. Go T, GO! xx


Mrs Lewis

Most impressive - well done for doing this!


Ben Loveridge


Alan Lawrence

Just a little more Tamara, love Grandad xx


Scott & Britt

Go auntie Mara. We all love you xxx


Elysia Tebb


Erin Smith

Good luck love you x



Bit extra from Mum and Dad to help you on your way. You are raising awareness for so many people who struggle with diabetes in a daily basis. You are so strong xxx


Mrs Kerins

Good luck with this challenge and your fundraising, Tamara - great effort x


Pippa S

Good luck with your fundraising xx


Susan Harris

Good luck Tamara xx


Darren And Catherine

Massive well done Tamara. Love Darren and Catherine xx


Mrs Judith C Ball

You've got this Tamara x


Liv Scilly

Such a great thing you’re doing, best of luck xx



Go smash it Tamara ! I know you can 😃 Great cause. Love Auntie Serena x x


Martin Wright


Megan Staley

Good luck Tamara with this challenge! I have no doubt you’ll smash it!


Jordan Stevens


Tracey Mair

All my love Tamara. Such a wonderful cause. Xxx


Jenny Meering

Good luck Tamara.xxx




Olly Orna Harris


Elizabeth Sheldon

So proud of you!!!


Letitia Orange

So so proud of how far you’ve come, Love you so much, Letitia Xx


Michael Barnes

Good luck and best wishes


Claudia Charles

Good luck Tamara! You’ve got this



Good luck on your walk Tamara! (Mrs Kerins told me about it - you kept this quiet!) well done for fundraising 🙂


Katy Garbutt


Hattie Cowan

So so proud of you, adore u x


Moses Brett


Emma Fields

love u x




Abi Thornton

So proud of you, good luck!


Max Rickard


Zahraa Dahir

proud of u xx


Sarah Caulfield

Good Luck



good luck, so amazing!! xo