Our One Walk Community


Number of Walkers


Total Raised


Total Miles Travelled

Meet our fundraisers!

Meet our community

Join our incredible Breakthrough T1D One Walk Facebook group and meet other supporters. Ask your questions, read their stories, connect with your incredible community.

Ruby's Ramblers

Ruby, now 4, was diagnosed with T1D at 2½ and last year along with her mum, big brother, nanny, grandad, aunties, uncle, cousin and 3 of her best friends took part in One Walk London - collectively as 'Ruby's Ramblers'. 

Ruby's Ramblers raised over £1,600 and have been blown away by the support helping them to reach their fundraising goal. They continue their endeavour to fund the important research that will hopefully one day provide a less invasive way of managing type one diabetes for every single type one superhero.

The Chana Family

''Last year, Veeran was diagnosed unexpectedly with Type 1 Diabetes, at the age of 7. It was a shock to the family, and something that took some time for all of us to adjust to, but we've been incredibly grateful for all the help and support from medical professionals and nurses.

When we came across Breakthrough T1D and the amazing research they have been doing, we were keen to find a way to support. This year, we're really excited to be taking part in One Walk as a family, with three generations supporting - from Grandparents to the youngest child!

The amount of support from our family and friends already has been incredible and just goes to show how important this is.''

The Osbourne's

Chloe and her trusty followers (aka Mummy, Daddy and Charlie) will be taking part in One Walk London's 10km walk.

Chloe was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on 30th October 2023. On the night Chloe was admitted to hospital, Breakthrough T1D gave her a fab teddy, Rufus. That teddy has diabetes just like Chloe, and he supported us through our journey of learning about diabetes, blood sugar testing and insulin injections. That teddy made the world of difference to a very sick and scared little girl, and we would just like to give something back to the charity that first supported us.